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Anatomy of the Hip

Anatomy of the Hip


In this video Emily introduces the basic anatomy of the hip including joint movements, basic musculature and tissue structures.

Series containing this video

11 videos

Anatomy of Movement

This video series is designed to give you some of the key information to start understanding how anatomy gives us a roadmap for our movement practice. This series is comprised of short lessons each going over major muscle groups, bones, connective tissues, movements and considerations for the main joints of your body.


More from this instructor

8 videos

Prehab Videos

Prehab is taking the reactive strategies used in physical therapy, as well as strength & conditioning, and implementing these in a proactive manner with the goal of reducing the risk for injury and improving overall physical capacity. Prehab is all about learning knowledge that applies to your body and your mind and using it to optimize your life and how you experience it by practicing exposure. Prehab can help you with your daily activities, your favorite hobbies, your beloved sport, how to deal with that annoying issue that has been persisting, or an old injury that was never resolved or handled appropriately in the first place.


Anatomy of Strength

In this video we explore the concept of strength within a movement practice. We also dive into the basics of a muscles anatomy and their principles of movement, sensation and growth. Concepts such as individual variability within strength training are also touched upon.


Anatomy of Flexibility

In this video we explore the basic concepts of flexibility and how knowledge of these factors can offer a leg up in designing our training. We dive into key terminology that is common within the practice. We explore the variables that can effect how your flexibility can be expressed. What types of tissues are effected in flexibility training are explored.
